
Regardless of its subject and scope, international transportation is the indispensable industry of all commercial sectors in the world. That is, if there is no transportation industry, there is no trade. This crucial service industry demands trust, seriousness, extraordinary attention and timing. This is where Çakıroğlu Shipping comes into play. As a result of hardworking, stable and regular growth, it has become one of the leading companies in the field of international transportation in our country today. Because Çakıroğlu Denizcilik not only carries burden but also trust.

Cakiroglu Shipping. Our effective and stable management, disciplined, intelligent, solution-oriented, well-intentioned, hard-working and corporate personnel who can establish and operate the system, our strong capital structure, the quality of the service we provide to our customers, are the factors that make us a special and exemplary company in line with our mission and vision.

Çakıroğlu Shipping aims to be a reliable, modern company that is active in Turkey and other countries, is monitored, makes investments with technological infrastructure.

Our aim is to provide resources that will contribute to the development of our staff in line with their talents and skills, to provide a communication environment where they can exchange ideas, to support their creativity with the slogan of "how can it be better" and to always increase the quality.

If you want to plan your career in this promising and productive structure that contributes to the country's economy with its domestic and international activities, you can share this responsibility with Çakıroğlu Shipping...

Our Company Policy

Customer-oriented, we have our customers at the center of our company policy. Based on the principle of Customer First, we analyze the expectations of our customers and establish systems that will make our customers' satisfaction permanent.

WE RESIST IN PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT, our employees are the implementers and developers of our company policy and system. We insist on implementing a management system that activates our employees both in their work and social lives, increases cooperation, is trained to an expert level, and makes them feel supported in their work.